Fabian Winkler
Promoted to Professor
Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art & Performance
Fabian Winkler completed a Diplom der Medienkunst at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design and an MFA from the Department of Design | Media Arts at University of California, Los Angeles. Founder of the area of electronic and time-based art at Purdue, Winkler is a new media artist and educator, and his works connect digital and algorithmic systems to tangible objects and architectural structures with the goal to playfully and critically address aesthetic, social, and environmental concerns.
Winkler’s work combines elements of humor with historical, social, and media-archeological research to create subversively beautiful and often discursive objects. The materials and artifacts used for the production of these artworks possess a rich cultural context, which is important to the experience of the work. Winkler has collaborated with Associate Professor Shannon McMullen for more than a decade on artworks at the section of nature and technology – a research and creative practice they define as “critical gardening.”
Winkler’s solo and collaborative works have been shown across the world. To learn more about his collaborations with McMullen, visit their website: gardensandmachines.com.