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Shye Robinson

Majors: Political Science, Psychology
Minors: Spanish

Shye Robinson

Being a Liberal Arts student at a college focused primarily on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) often comes with many questions like “What made you choose your major?” and “Why did you not go to a liberal arts college?” These questions rely on a theme that Liberal Arts education cripples in the STEM environment; I’m here to tell you just how I’ve excelled in and proudly broadcast my Liberal Arts education. 

As students choose their career paths, the cost of education, individual strengths and interests, and projected income post-graduation are some of the most important factors in this decision. As a Hoosier coming from a low-income family, I was offered a plethora of financial aid to attend Purdue. I was undecided about my future career but knew that I could explore my options if I attended a large university with a varying degree of majors. I knew the focus I wanted in my career: to have a direct impact on underserved communities. Thus, I decided to pursue studying Political Science, an opportunity I saw as a chance to explore careers relating to government relations, nonprofit work, and leadership. During my second semester at Purdue, I added the Brain and Behavioral Science major in the College of Health and Human Sciences and became a Degree+ Student. As a Degree+ student, I challenge myself to build up my human capital, as employers want well-rounded candidates.

Choosing Purdue has been one of the best choices I have made in my young adult life. The best thing about being a student here would be the communities I have joined and the impact that they’ve had on me. Because only 8% of students at Purdue are in the College of Liberal Arts [CLA], I constantly see my peers in various classes, which is helpful when talking about course material and seeking out friendships. I have developed interpersonal relationships among faculty within my department and have had my achievements magnified and displayed. I have the chance to not only interact with students from my state but also from across the U.S. and the world. I studied abroad for two months in Argentina this past summer, experiencing and exploring new places and cultures outside of the U.S. for the first time in my life. 

I have also had the chance to explore leadership positions, research, and community engagement while attending Purdue. I am the President of a nonprofit called Roundtable Politics, an organization that was founded based on the Political Discourse Club at Purdue. Here, we focus on spreading civil discourse about politically contentious topics for college-aged students across the U.S. I am a part of Pi Sigma Alpha, a national honor society for Political Science students, and through this organization, we discuss and aid each other with career opportunities, networking within our college, and overall community-building for Political Science students. I am also a Senator for the CLA in Purdue Student Government. Here, I serve the student body by voicing student concerns and creating initiatives, whether that be through legislation or action, to aid my fellow Boilermakers. Lastly, I help found the Degree+ Student Association, an organization dedicated to bringing Degree+ students together for interdisciplinary learning from each other through community building. 

My advice for prospective students? Become a sponge at Purdue. By this, I mean that you should grab hold of every experience possible to understand what you like/dislike, grow your network, build leadership, and make friendships. I have used the past two years as stepping-stones to making a unique college experience; take advantage of any opportunity because you never know where it may lead you! 

I wish you all the best and hope to see you here! Boiler Up!