Claire Lamel
Law and Society
City of Green Bay Law Department

How has your internship helped build skills and clarify your career goals?
Throughout the summer, I have completed projects, research, and observations that have helped me to develop skills that will lead to my success in both law school and a legal career. That being said, one of the biggest takeaways from my internship that has defined my career goals is having the opportunity to discuss my career path with individuals who are successful in the legal field. Having their feedback on my ideas and learning about their paths to success have been invaluable experiences that I would never have encountered without participation in this internship.
How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills in your internship?
It's impossible to pinpoint an exact class or academic topic that has been the most helpful towards my success at my internship because I have found that I utilize a variety of skills derived from my Liberal Arts education daily. I feel even more confident that a degree from Purdue's College of Liberal Arts will help me to be a well-rounded professional. "*I would prefer to not have my information shared on social media, if possible.*
Describe your typical day as an intern.
Apart from the times that I arrive at the office and leave it, every day at my internship is a new experience. One day I might be sitting in the courtroom for a hearing and the next I could be talking with the public about their concerns. While I never know that to expect each day, the variance of my responsibilities has helped me to learn as much as I can within a short amount of time.
What was the most challenging aspect of your internship?
The most challenging aspect of my internship was gaining an understanding of municipal law. Prior to this summer, I merely had a vague idea about what municipal law is. Luckily, I was immediately immersed into a project that helped me to dive into many aspects of municipal law. I'm glad to say that I overcame this challenge through hard work and perseverance.
What was the most exciting thing about your role?
The most exciting part of my role is being able to interact with the public. Whether its through phone conversations or at court proceedings, I am exposed to a variety of different ideologies that have opened up discussions and am told many stories that have helped me to better understand people.
What surprised you most about your internship?
At the beginning of my internship, I was surprised by the extent of collaboration between employees in our office. Prior, I had assumed that everyone had their own tasks that they would individually complete. However, our office is composed of a support system where everyone works together to bounce ideas off of each other.
Describe the most meaningful experience you had as an intern.
The most meaningful experience that I have had as an intern is experiencing when defendants are grateful for what we do. There is nothing more rewarding than doing a job well and having people acknowledge that.