Madi Short
Law and Society
Public Defenders Office

What was the most exciting thing about your role?
The most exciting part of my internship was getting to assist lawyers with their cases. I got to see the inside and outs of how they prepared their defenses.
Describe your typical day as an intern.
My day as an intern would include me helping prepare files for lawyers and also preparing closed files to be scanned into storage on the computer system. I would also help assist lawyers on cases with anything they needed.
How did you apply your Liberal Arts-skills to your internship position?
I applied what I have learned in my law/criminal justice classes to understand how cases work and how lawyers process cases.
How has your internship prepared you for your career?
My internship has prepared me in ways to navigate a legal office. It has allowed me to see how public cases are taken care of and how they are distributed amongst lawyers. I have also learned vast legal terms and how they work.