Sharon Solwitz

Promoted to Professor
Department of English
Sharon Solwitz received her master’s and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She also holds an M.F.A. in printmaking. An award-winning author, her new novel, Once, in Lourdes, is scheduled for publication this year by Random House (Spiegel and Grau).
She is the is the author of a novel, Bloody Mary, and a collection of short stories, Blood and Milk, which won the Carl Sandburg Prize from Friends of the Chicago Public Library, and the prize for adult fiction from the Society of Midland Authors, and was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. Several of her stories have been selected for inclusion in the Pushcart Prize Anthology and in Best American Short Stories.
Other honors for her individual stories, published in such magazines as TriQuarterly, Mademoiselle, and Ploughshares, include the Katherine Anne Porter Prize, the Nelson Algren Literary Award, and grants and fellowships from the Illinois Arts Council.