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Heather Penney

10/20/2024 - Speaker#4, Week#5 - Heather Penney
BA English - 1995
BA American Studies - 1997

Senior Fellow
Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Alexandria, VA

Most widely recognized for her service on September 11, Heather “Lucky” Penney was part of the first wave of women who went directly into fighters from pilot training.

The first and only woman in the 121st Fighter Squadron, Heather deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom for initial combat operations as a night-time SCUD Hunter in the western deserts of Iraq, also supporting Special Operations Forces. She flew the F-16 for ten years with two combat tours before having to make the difficult decision to leave the fighter aviation as a single mother. She then flew the special airlift mission and retired out of the Pentagon.

She is now a Senior Resident Fellow for the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, where she is an expert on defense policy issues related to airpower and the Air Force. She has raced jets at the Reno Air Races, and she continues to fly vintage aircraft.

She continues to share her experiences and perspectives to inspire others to live a life of bravery, service, and connection.