Dave Thomas

BA 1993, Political Science
Managing Partner & Co-Founder, H2Vino, LLC, Chicago, IL
For the past 12 years Dave Thomas has been the Managing Partner and Co-Founder of H2Vino, a wine and liquor importing and distribution company in the state of Illinois. H2Vino imports and sells wine from the US, Spain, Argentina, Italy, New Zeland and Chile, to name just a few.
Dave is a serial entrepreneur, catching the bug early and after graduating, co-founding the first online virtual job fair. A few years later he and his partner then co-founded Careercast, one of the first online career sites, now Adicio. Dave was an early hire with Start-up Roundarch/Isobar a spinoff of Deloitte Consulting and has his BA in Political Science from Purdue, class of ‘93.
In his free time he enjoys travel, cooking, drinking great wine and enjoying time with his wife and daughter.