Employment Overview
Thank you for your interest in employment opportunities with PLaCE. We are not currently hiring, but this page provides general information. Position openings will be announced here and posted on the Purdue employment website. For inquiries, contact our office by email at place@purdue.edu.
Major Responsibilities of PLaCE Lecturer:
PLaCE instructors hold the title of Lecturer, a non-tenure track, nine-month, renewable full-time staff position (annual renewal based upon satisfactory performance review, staffing needs, and funding). The Lecturer position in PLaCE focuses on teaching university-level English as a Second Language courses to undergraduate and graduate students. Associated duties of the Lecturer position in PLaCE include:
- rater training and rating of language assessments;
- holding student office hours and individual consultations with students;
- design, develop, or enhance teaching and learning materials and activities.
Hiring, Onboarding, and Training
Hiring is one of the most important decisions we make for program success, so we are committed to a robust hiring process; the application process typically includes several interviews and a teaching presentation.
Strong applicants for PLaCE Lecturer typically:
Share our program's cultural values, sense of mission, and teaching philosophy.
Have a strong academic preparation, such as a graduate degree in TESOL, Applied Linguistics, Educational Linguistics, or other closely related field.
Have strong teaching and interpersonal skills developed over several years of teaching experience in a higher education setting.
Upon hire, first-year lecturers will participate in at least one semester of mentoring with an experienced Lecturer or Senior Lecturer. The purpose of this mentoring is to support new staff as they learn the PLaCE curriculum and adjust during the first semester. Mentors help new staff find a good balance between what they bring to the program and what the program expects of staff and students, answer questions, provide feedback, and share resources.
PLaCE has a large collection of materials and resources in an Instructor Hub in Brightspace (Purdue's LMS) as well as many resources, lessons, and activities created by instructors. Sharing resources is a normal part of the program's collaborative culture.
One week before the beginning of the semester, staff report for training, workshops, professional development activities. During the semester, staff participant in ongoing rater training, professional development, and similar activities during periodic staff meetings.
Professional Development
PLaCE Lecturers are expected to engage in ongoing professional development to stay current in relevant professional fields and to stay engaged with developments in higher education and language teaching. PLaCE members regularly participate in academic conferences such as AAAL, INTESOL, and TESOL as well as many other national and international venues relevant to their scholarship.
Lecturers participate in an annual review based on goal setting, action planning, and reflection. Lecturers can apply for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer after five years of successful employment with the program.