Dan Van De Voorde

BA 2012, Communication | BS 2012, Psychology
Senior Manager, People, Strata Decision Technology, Chicago, IL
Dan Van De Voorde currently serves as Manager of People Operations at Strata Decision Technology. Dan is tasked with many exciting and rewarding initiatives including program management for all recruiting and ongoing team member training and development. He oversees the Company's performance management program as well as all company culture initiatives. Dan spends much of his time researching workforce populations to optimize recruiting, retention and professional development activities.
During his time at Purdue, Van De Voorde let his Purdue pride show throughout the activities in which he was involved. He was a Dean’s Ambassador for the College of Liberal Arts, a member of the Student Leadership Council for the College of Liberal Arts, served as Evening Events Chair on the Old Masters Central Committee, was a supervisor for the new student orientation program (Boiler Gold Rush), and was the Director for the Office of Admissions tour guide organization - Boiler STeam.
Van De Voorde is an avid supporter and sponsor of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah, a volunteer for Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, and a tutor for inner-city Chicago high school students.