Emma Carpenter
Emma Carpenter
Mass Communication
Pacers Sports and Entertainment
What was the most exciting thing about your role?
The opportunities that we have in this role are endless. We get to bring so much joy to so many people and it really is a rewarding feeling, without our department the fun of going to basketball games would not be existent. The events that we are also able to attend have been so exciting, I have had the opportunity to meet the most amazing people through this internship.
Describe the most meaningful experience you had as an intern.
I think it would be impossible to pin point one single experience that I would consider to be the most meaningful to me, but in a whole I would say just have the opportunity to work with all of the talented individuals of Pacers Sports and Entertainment has been the most meaningful to me.
How did you apply your Liberal Arts-skills to your internship position?
I apply the skills I have learned from my Liberal Arts education every single day. Whether it be from the decision I have made or from the creative side of my education. Being able to think outside of the box and also know how to work with all different types of people have helped me excel throughout this internship.
How has your internship prepared you for your career?
This internship has prepared me for my career in more ways than one. It has given me specific skills that will be very desirable to companies that I will be applying too and it has also given me the inside scoop on how the sports industry really works. The internship has opened my eyes to a different side of the entertainment industry as well.