Alondra Magallanes
Alondra Magallanes
Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Find8 Digital Marketing
What was the most exciting thing about your role?
I like being able to create so many things directly and working pretty independently sometimes.
What has surprised you most about your internship?
Working with clients is very unpredictable, some are nice and some are very difficult. I really had to use my customer service skills from past part time jobs to keep people happy.
How did you apply your liberal arts skills to your position?
I feel like I really applied my writing skills I have learned in liberal arts classes. I was writing and creating content for client social media accounts and without good writing skills I would not have been able to do it.
How has your internship prepared you for your career?
This internship provided me with some much need experience in the field I hope to pursue post graduation. I worked on a lot of things that I am able to add to my portfolio.