Colleen Rose
Colleen Rose
Communication and Visual Communication Design
Indy Eleven Professional Soccer
What was the most exciting thing about your role?
The most exciting thing about my internship was seeing a t-shirt I designed on a random person when
I was out at the store. It was so surreal seeing something I designed and sold out in public.
What surprised you most about your internship?
I think it surprised me how much a professional team works together, and to see how much each role
was in charge of. We all helped each other out in every department from interns, managers, and directors for departments. There was so much interaction and collaboration for every project. There wasn’t really ever a project that one department did alone. It was a very cool thing to be a part of. I got a lot of experience outside of just merchandising because of it.
How did you apply your Liberal Arts-skills to your internship position?
I was able to use a lot of what I have learned in my VCD degree because I got the opportunity to design merchandise. I was also able to use what I had learned in my communication degree to work with media, PR, and other aspects of selling our merch.
How has your internship prepared you for your career?
While I have gotten to work with a college athletic department, this is my first experience with a professional sports team. It has given me insight into whether I would want to work for a college athletic department or professional team. I was able to learn more about game days, working with distributors, and how to work in a budget to make money.