Claire Kedzierski
Majors: Marketing; Communication (Public Relations and Strategic Communication)
Gameday Operations Intern, Indianapolis Colts Training Camp
1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity?
I began working for Purdue Athletics during my freshman year of college. Through this internship, I created lifelong friendships with colleagues and was introduced to someone who has worked with the Indianapolis Colts Organization. I was able to get in touch with the events coordinator and schedule an interview for the Training Camp & Gameday Operations Internship. Since then, I have continued to pursue this position and have grown to love this field of work even more. I am incredibly thankful for the amazing opportunities Purdue and the College of Liberal Arts have helped me to achieve.
2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals?
This internship works a lot with the organization's fan base. Every day I continue to learn more sophisticated communication skills as well as the various marketing tactics an organization uses to help remain relevant within the constant changes of our generation. I have learned that this is an area that I hope to continue to work/grow in after college. This internship has shown me that I am someone who loves to work with people and tries my best to make each and every task more fun and enjoyable for all who are there.
3.) How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?
The College of Liberal Arts has helped shape me into the individual I am today. With every class I take within this school, I learn the value of communicative skills and how important it is to be your authentic self when in the workforce. Each and everyone one of my professors and advisors in the College only wants what's best for their students. They take time out of their days to help me when I need advice and they continue to support me when I need help going about certain obstacles in my internships.
4.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?
My biggest piece of advice is to not be afraid to reach out. If you have an acquaintance that is working in a field of your interest, don’t be afraid to email or text them. While the worst they can say is no, I can guarantee you that most would be more than happy to help introduce you to someone that can give your a referral for a position. Networking is key to so many amazing opportunities!