Thomas Koehl

Major: Communication
Sales Intern, Caliber Solar
1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity?
I learned about the internship through several connections I have from the Purdue rugby team.
2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals?
This internship has taught me to be confident in what I do and helped me understand where I would like my career to take me. This internship helped me develop workplace skills and gain an understanding of working in sales.
3.) How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills into your internship?
My Liberal Arts background was crucial in every aspect of this internship. I was able to network with alumni to get the job. I had to be able to communicate within my workplace to be an effective salesperson.
4.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?
A piece of advice that I would give is to not limit yourself on what you can do. Expand your horizons, gain new experience. An internship is the best place to learn what you are good at, what you enjoy and gain a new perspective. If you limit yourself to one type of experience, you may miss out on future opportunities.