Zachary Hodges

Major: Professional Writing and Creative Writing
Marketing Intern, Southbank Theatre Company
1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity?
I reached out to Southbank Theatre Company and asked if they would like to take on a Marketing Intern to aid with marketing their summer productions. They agreed, and I was hired onto the team.
2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals?
My internship has helped me develop my marketing and professional writing skills immensely. I have gotten experience in graphic design as I have been designing postcards and graphics for marketing Southbank Theatre productions. Furthermore, I have been continuously posting on several social media platforms to advertise the productions, growing my marketing-focused writing skills as well as my social media marketing skills. Ultimately, this internship has helped me realize what areas of my marketing are strengths for me and thus helped me realize which areas of marketing I would like to pursue in my career.
3.) How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?
As a Professional Writing and Creative Writing major, I am able to apply my Liberal Arts skills by utilizing writing devices and techniques practiced in my classes to advertise to different groups of people. I am able to develop short-form marketing pitches for Southbank Theatre productions in order to sell tickets and grow the overall patronage of the company.
4.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?
My best advice to someone in the English major looking for an internship is to always be willing to reach out. There are so many companies looking for help here and there; as collegiate writers and readers, we have the skills to craft concise language and convincing pitches for any number of fields. Your talents and skills are useful in the corporate world. Don’t be afraid to make the first step! Find some companies you’re interested in and ask them if they would consider taking on an intern!