A&D 113
To access the theses images from anywhere other than Purdue, you need a VPN connection. The following is from the ITAP security guidelines page. http://www.itap.purdue.edu/security/policies/PortRestrictionFAQ.cfm
Q) What does the VPN do for me, and what is a VPN?
A) The VPN allows you to receive a Purdue IP address and act as an on-campus host. This allows access past port restrictions and other security measures, and allows your system to easily interoperate with on-campus services that may not work for off-campus systems.Q) How do I set up my system to use the VPN? Is it hard?
A) For most common systems, VPN set up is fairly easy. See http://www.itap.purdue.edu/connections/vpn/ for details.Q) I live outside of town, or need to access Purdue resources from a remote site. Does this apply to me, and will the VPN work?
A) The VPN is accessible from anywhere in the world with proper Purdue credentials (Purdue career account).
Basic Drawing
Beginning Drawing
As a student and an individual, you have the creative potential for expressing yourself through drawing. The basic component skills will be presented, individually (to learn how to control how your brain handles information) until they begin to overlap, and become integrated into the smooth flow of the global skill of drawing – like reading and driving , which is whole, rapid, recognizes pattern, complex, spatial, intuitive and perceptual.
The visual data from "out there" gathered by sight is part of the story. Part of what we see is changed, interpreted or conceptualized, in ways that depend on a person’s training, mind-set and experience. We tend to see what we expect to see or what we decide to see. This isn’t a conscious process. Instead, the brain does the expecting, deciding without our conscious awareness, and thus alters or arranges – and sometimes disregards – the raw data of vision that hits the retina.
Learning perception through drawing changes this process and allows a different, more direct kind of seeing - the way an artist sees.
Perceptual skills are built on:
Perception of edges
Perception of spaces
Perception of relationships
Perception of light and shadow
Perception of the whole
You will also learn ways to manipulate many mediums, as well as touch on imaginative and expressive drawing.
Syllabus, attendance and academic honesty
Course Fees-Studio, Refund policy
Elements of art/principles of design
General Outline and Index of Images
Sketchbook ideas and Sketchbook examples