Current Officers
Any Purdue University graduate student in SLC is eligible for active membership in the organization. Purdue University staff and faculty are eligible for adjunct membership, which means they may not vote or hold office. Active membership is defined as any Purdue student enrolled in one of the graduate student programs offered in SLC. There is no registration or membership process required for students who meet the above-mentioned criterion. Active members are welcome to participate in all SLC Graduate Student Committee events.
Each officer will be elected after nominations during the spring semester and the term of this position will be one year, until the following election. These officers will make up the executive committee of the SLC Graduate Student Committee. Other officers may be elected when it is deemed necessary by the executive committee.
President - Sarah N. Jaran
Sarah earned a bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature and French from Lycoming College and a master's in Medieval Studies from Western Michigan University. She spent two years teaching high school level Latin and French in New Haven, CT before coming to Purdue. She is interested in cultural literary analysis, particularly focusing on connections across English, French and Latin in the medieval period. Sarah also has a keen interest in food culture, specifically representations of food in texts. At Purdue, she has taught Christian Mysticism, Intro to Christian Theology, Intro to World Food Cultures, and World Literature I.
Vice President - Nicholas Hale

Treasurer - Akari Osumi

Akari is a Ph.D. student in Languages and Cultures, focusing on Japanese Linguistics and Pedagogy. She is also studying as an M.SEd student in Learning Design and Technology at the College of Education. Her research interest is computer-assisted language learning which promotes students’ autonomous learning. She is currently working on some projects related to technology-mediated feedback, adaptive learning, and instructional videos while teaching Japanese as a teaching assistant.
Symposium Chair - Gwénaël Jouin Bruno

Gwénaël earned his Bachelor’s degree (with high honors) and his Master’s degree (with highest honors) in Comparative Literature from Sorbonne University. Now a Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature at Purdue University and a Lynn Fellowship recipient, he works on French, British, and Spanish novels from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. While he is mainly interested in poetics, rhetoric, philosophy, truth, and modes of thought, he is also curious about history and sociology. He gave his first conference (on John Milton) at the Renaissance Society of America in April 2021, and is currently working on several projects for publication.
Lingua Franca Chair/ Secretary - Mirei Uchida
Mirei is a second-year master’s student in the Japanese Pedagogy program at Purdue University, with a research focus on the acquisition and development of intercultural competence within the study abroad context. She is one of the program leaders for a short-term study abroad program offered by the Department of Japanese, and she teaches undergraduate Japanese courses as a Teaching Assistant each semester.
Workshop Chair - Chinaza Justina Egere

Chinaza is a PhD student in Francophone literature. She is a Ross Fellow and graduate teaching assistant whose research focuses on contemporary discourses on genocide, gender, and migration in Francophone literature. She holds a combined honors degree in French and German from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and a Master's in French from the University of Lagos. Besides her academic pursuits, Chinaza enjoys singing, teaching, and traveling.
PGSG Senator - Nafiu Olayiwola Oloore
Webmaster/Social Chair - Santiago Castillo
Santiago is a PhD student in Linguistics at Purdue University. He holds a BA in Modern Languages from Caldas University in Colombia, and an MA in Linguistics from Purdue University. His academic pursuits center around Second Language Acquisition, Heritage Language Learning, Bilingualism, and the Syntax-Semantics interface. Presently, he is engaged in research at Purdue's Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Research Lab, exploring the acquisition of tense/aspect in Spanish among Heritage and Second Language learners.
PGSG Alternate Senator - Regina Abu
Regina Abu is a second year MA student in the Department of French. Her primary focus is on Francophone literature. She also teaches undergraduate level beginner and intermediate French. Her current research interests focus on identity expressions in Francophone literature. She loves taking walks and reading mystery novels.
2023-2024 Officers
Vice President - Ayaka Matsuo
Secretary/ Treasurer - Ayaka Matsuo
PGSG Senator - Roseline Adewuyi
2022-2023 Officers
Vice President -
Secretary/ Treasurer - Ayaka Matsuo
PGSG Senator - Santiago Parra
2021-2022 Officers
Vice President - Eduardo Huaytan
Secretary/ Treasurer - Masaki Minobe
PGSG Senator - Jaider de la Hoz
2020-2021 Officers
Vice President - Sydney Dickerson
Secretary/ Treasurer - Snezhanna Pankratova
PGSG Senator - Laura Solano
2019-2020 Officers
President - Niall PeachVice President - Débora Borba
Secretary/ Treasurer - Jason Wright
Senator - Daniel Carrillo Jara
Workshop Chair - Hernán J. Matskevich Rodrígues
Newsletter Chair - Emily Delnick
Webmaster Chair - Tyler Gabbard
Social Committee Chair - Jorge Peréz de Jesús