Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP)

In this new era of world communications and cross-cultural interactions, students need to be ready for professions that require specific intercultural skills and language competencies.
The School of Languages and Cultures (SLC) offers more than a dozen language courses in the area of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP). These courses address the needs of language students in specialized professional fields and focus on business, science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, and translation and interpreting.
Through the study of specialized vocabulary and by participating in hands-on activities such as role-playing, students acquire the language skills needed to conduct business, interact with patients or clients, or take part in other formal situations in their future careers.
Most of our LSP courses are approved courses for the Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation , a credential similar to a minor.
For more information, please contact LSP Co-Directors Marc Rathmann ( and Cecilia Tenorio (
Undergraduate students have the opportunity to pursue a Minor in Business French, a Minor in Spanish for the Professions, or a Certificate in German for Specialized Purposes.