Volume 8 - 1962
Issue 1
Editor: Maurice Beebe
Special Issue: Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka: The Bridge and the Abyss
Blake Lee Spahr
Pages 3-15
Franz Kafka's Language
Heinz Politzer
Pages 16-22
The Judgment in Kafka's "The Judgment"
Erwin R. Steinberg
Pages 23-30
Job and Joseph K.: Myth in Kafka's The Trial
Donald M. Kartiganer
Pages 31-43
The Source of Guilt and the Sense of Guilt--Kafka's The Trial
Simon O. Lesser
Pages 44-60
Kafka's Obscurity: The Illusion of Logic in Narrative
Ralph Freedman
Pages 61-74
Kafka's Ape: Heel or Hero?
Leo Weinstein
Pages 75-79
Criticism of Franz Kafka: A Selected Checklist
Maurice Beebe & Naomi Christensen
Pages 80-100
Issue 2
Editor: Maurice Beebe
General Issue
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Woolf
Irving Kreutz
Pages 103-115
Some Curious Realism in Riceyman Steps
James G. Hepburn
Pages 116-126
Art in To the Lighthouse
Ruby Cohn
Pages 127-136
Re: Joyce--No In at the Womb
Alan Dundes
Pages 137-147
Conrad's Arrow of Gold and Pastoral Tradition
Harold E. Toliver
Pages 148-158
Light in August: The Calvinism of William Faulkner
Alwyn Berland
Pages 159-170
The Novels of Angus Wilson
Jay L. Halio
Pages 171-181
Modern Fiction Newsletter
Pages 182-207
Issue 3
Editor: Maurice Beebe
Special Issue: Herman Melville
The Real and the Original: Herman Melville's Theory of Prose Fiction
Allen Hayman
Pages 211-232
The Design of the Argument in Moby-Dick
Howard C. Horsford
Pages 233-251
Duplicate Imagery in Moby-Dick
Sister Mary Ellen, I.H.M.
Pages 252-264
Symbol and Theme in Melville's Israel Potter
John T. Frederick
Pages 265-275
The Negative Affirmation: Melville's "Bartleby"
Kingsley Widmer
Pages 276-286
Diabolism, Pessimism, and Democracy: Notes on Melville and Conrad
Jesse D. Green
Pages 287-305
The New Billy Budd and the Novelistic Fallacy: An Essay-Review
William T. Stafford
Pages 306-311
Criticism of Herman Melville: A Selected Checklist
Maurice Beebe, Harrison Hayford, & Gordon Roper
Pages 312-346
Issue 4
Editor: Maurice Beebe
Special Issue: American Realists
Stephen Crane and the Personal Universal
Max Westbrook
Pages 351-360
Harold Frederic's Young Goodman Ware: The Ambiguities of a Realistic Romance
George W. Johnson
Pages 361-374
The Commonplace as Heroic in The Rise of Silas Lapham
John E. Hart
Pages 375-383
A Look at Dreiser as Artist: The Motif of Circularity in Sister Carrie
William A. Freedman
Pages 384-392
Social Darwinism or Social Protest? The "Philosophy" of The Octopus
James K. Folsom
Pages 393-400
Hemingway and the Need for Speech
R. W. Lid
Pages 401-407
Frank Norris' Definition of Naturalism
Donald Pizer
Pages 408-409
The Imagery of The Red Badge of Courage
James W. Tuttleton
Pages 410-414
The Power of the Tacit in Crane and Hemingway
Robert P. Weeks
Pages 415-418
Modern Fiction Newsletter
Pages 419-444