Volume 43 - 1997
Issue 1
Guest Editor: Donald E. Pease
Special Issue: National and Postnational Narratives
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Introduction: National Narratives, Postnational Narration
Donald E. Pease
Pages 1-26
The Specter of Adamastor: Heroic Desire and Displacement in "White" South Africa
Jonathan Crewe
Pages 27-52
Trafficking in the Void: Burroughs, Kerouac, and the Consumption of Otherness
Jonathan Paul Eburne
Pages 53-92
"It's the Third World Down There!" Urban Decline and (Post)National Mythologies in Bonfire of the Vanities
Liam Kennedy
Pages 93-114
Fables and the Forming of Americans
Gillian Brown
Pages 115-143
Undesirable Desire: Citizenship and Romance in Modern American Fiction
Carla Kaplan
Pages 144-169
Queer Passions, Queer Citizenship: Some Novels about the State of the American Nation 1946-1954
Robert L. Caserio
Pages 170-208
The Marble Faun and American Postcolonial Ambivalence
Mark A. R. Kemp
Pages 209-236
Imperial Triangles: Mark Twain's Foreign Affairs
Amy Kaplan
Pages 237-248
Evidence-cum-witness: Subaltern History, Violence, and the (De)Formation of Nation in Michelle Cliff's No Telephone to Heaven
Ramchandran Sethuraman
Pages 249-287
Issue 2
Editor: Patrick O'Donnell
Assistant Editor: Nancy J. Peterson
General Issue
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
From the Editor
Patrick O'Donnell
Pages 291-293
Passing from Paranoia to Plagiarism: The Abject Authorship of Nella Larsen
Beverly Haviland
Pages 295-318
Conrad's Pornography Shop
Rishona Zimring
Pages 319-348
The Crumbling Structure of "Appearances": Representation and Authenticity in The House of Mirth and The Custom of the Country
Christopher Gair
Pages 349-373
The "Work" of Science Fiction: Philip K. Dick and Occupational Masculinity in the Post-World War II United States
Andrew P. Hoberek
Pages 374-404
Translation, Invention, Resistance: Rewriting the Conquest in Carlos Fuentes's "The Two Shores"
Paul Jay
Pages 405-431
Review Essay: Removing the Veil: Race, Modernism, and Cultural Pluralism in Four Recent Studies of Twenties U.S. Culture
Chip Rhodes
Pages 432-449
Book Reviews
Pages 450-570
Issue 3
Guest Editor: N. Katherine Hayles
Special Issue: Technocriticsm and Hypernarrative
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Introduction: Situating Narrative in an Ecology of New Media
N. Katherine Hayles
Pages 573-578
Nonce Upon Some Times: Rereading Hypertext Fiction
Michael Joyce
Pages 579-597
The Edge of Difference: Negotiations between the Hypertextual and the Postcolonial
Jaishree K. Odin
Pages 598-630
Eve's Apple, or Women's Narrative Bytes
Sue-Ellen Case
Pages 631-650
Pushing Back: Living and Writing in Broken Space
Stuart Moulthrop
Pages 651-676
Interactive Drama: Narrativity in a Highly Interactive Environment
Marie-Laure Ryan
Pages 677-707
"Trapped by the Body?" Telepresence Technologies and Transgendered Performance in Feminist and Lesbian Rewritings of Cyberpunk Fiction
Thomas Foster
Pages 708-744
Solitary Inventions: David Markson at the End of the Line
Joseph Tabbi
Pages 745-772
Falling into Theory: Simulation, Terraformation, and Eco-Economics in Kim Stanley Robinson's Martian Trilogy
Robert Markley
Pages 773-799
Corporeal Anxiety in Dictionary of the Khazars: What Books Talk about in the Late Age of Print When They Talk about Losing Their Bodies
N. Katherine Hayles
Pages 800-820
Issue 4
Editor: William J. Palmer
Assistant Editor: Nancy J. Peterson
General Issue
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Editor's Note
William J. Palmer
Pages 823-825
Henry James, Anonymity, and the Press: Journalistic Modernity and the Decline of the Author
Marc DaRosa
Pages 826-859
Edith Wharton and the "New Gomorrahs" of Paris: Homosexuality, Flirtation, and Incestuous Desire in The Reef
Ricahrd A. Kaye
Pages 860-897
Who Shot the Sheriff: Storytelling, Indian Identity, and the Marketplace of Masculinity in D'Arcy McNickle's The Surrounded
Robert Dale Parker
Pages 898-932
Cartographic Refrains and Postcolonial Terrains: Mariama Bâ'sScarlet Song
Eleanor F. Shevlin
Pages 933-962
"Do we know the meaning of aesthetic gratification?" Cynthia Ozick's The Shawl, the Akedah, and the Ethics of Holocaust Literary Aesthetics
Joseph Alkana
Pages 963-990
Book Reviews
Pages 991-1082