Volume 18 - 1972
Issue 1
Guest Editor: Thomas F. Staley
Special Issue: Italo Svevo
An Announcement and a Dedication
The Editors
Page 2
A Daughter's Tribute
Letizia Svevo Fonda Savio
Pages 3-6
Italo Svevo and the Ambience of Trieste
Thomas F. Staley
Pages 7-16
Zeno's Last Bomb
Gian-Paolo Biasin
Pages 17-32
Una Vita and the Family Romance
Paula Robison
Pages 33-44
Svevo's Inferiorità
Beno Weiss
Pages 45-52
Schopenhauer's Philosphy in Italo Svevo's La Coscienza di Zeno
Renata M. Treitel
Pages 53-64
Una Burla Riuscita: Irony as Hoax in Svevo
Paula Robison
Pages 65-80
Dialectical Element and Linguistic Complex in Italo Svevo
Demenico Cernecca
Pages 81-90
Discourse and the Conquest of Desire in Svevo's Fiction
Teresa de Lauretis
Pages 91-110
Italo Svevo and Trieste
Niny Rocco-Bergera
Pages 111-113
Svevo and Irredentism
Lina Galli
Pages 114-116
Joyce and Svevo: A Note
Niny Rocco-Bergera
Pages 116-119
Criticism of Italo Svevo: A Selected Checklist
Frances C. Bloodgood and John W. Van Voorkin
Pages 119-131
Issue 2
Editors: William T. Stafford and Margaret Church
General Issue
Spatial Form as the Intrinsic Genre of Dostoevsky's Novels
James M. Curtis
Pages 135-154
The Narrator as Character in Hardy's Major Fiction
Daniel R. Schwarz
Pages 155-172
D. H. Lawrence's Greatest Collection of Short Stories--What Holds it Together
Leo Gurko
Pages 173-182
Comic Light in Heart of Darkness
Kenneth R. Lincoln
Pages 183-198
Disproportionate Doom: Tragic Irony in the Spanish Post Civil War Novel
Norma Louise Hutman
Pages 199-206
The Great Gatsby's "Romance of Motoring": Nick Carraway and Jordon Baker
Laurence E. MacPhee
Pages 207-213
The Single Narrator of As I Lay Dying
David M. Monaghan
Pages 213-220
A Housman Source in The Sound and the Fury
Joseph Brogunier
Pages 220-225
"Then, Venom, to thy Work": Pathological Representation inPierre et Jean
Robert Willard Artinian
Pages 225-229
Recent Books on Modern Fiction
Pages 231-326
Issue 3
Editors: William T. Stafford and Margaret Church
Special Issue: Virginia Woolf
The Lady in the Looking-Glass: Modes of Perception in a Short Story by Virginia Woolf
R. T. Chapman
Pages 331-338
Night and Day: Virginia Woolf's Visionary Synthesis of Reality
Melinda Feldt Cumings
Pages 339-350
The Self-Conscious Narrator in Jacob's Room
Barry Morgenstern
Pages 351-362
Elements of Mock-Heroic in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
Kenneth J. Ames
Pages 363-374
London as a Principle of Structure in Mrs. Dalloway
Miroslav Beker
Pages 375-386
The Symbolic Function of the Sun in Mrs. Dalloway
Marilyn Schauer Samuels
Pages 387-400
The Shawl and the Skull: Virginia Woolf's "Magic Mountain"
Lee M. Whitehead
Pages 401-416
Sexual Imagery in To the Lighthouse: A New Feminist Approach
Annis Pratt
Pages 417-432
Existence and Symbol in The Waves
Jack F. Stewart
Pages 433-448
"The Central Shadow": Characterization in The Waves
Susan Gorsky
Pages 449-466
The Fish Pond as Symbolic Center in Between the Acts
Stephen D. Fox
Pages 467-474
The Manuscript Revisions of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway: A Postscript
Jacqueline E. M. Latham
Pages 475-476
Criticism of Virginia Woolf from 1956 to the Present: A Selected Checklist with an Index to Studies of Separate Works
Barbara Weiser
Pages 477-487
Issue 4
Editors: William T. Stafford and Margaret Church
General Issue
An Interview with Carlos Fuentes
Herman P. Doezema
Pages 491-504
The Mistaken Endeavor: Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground
Reed Merrill
Pages 505-516
Bill Gorton, the Preacher in The Sun Also Rises
Morton L. Ross
Pages 517-528
Incest and the Artist: Anthony Burgess's MF as Summation
Geoffrey Aggeler
Pages 529-544
The Pear Tree: Sexual Implications in Katherine Mansfield's "Bliss"
Helen E. Nebeker
Pages 545-551
The Fractured Crystal in Middlemarch and The Golden Bowl
Scott Byrd
Pages 551-555
No Spinach in Sanctuary
Pat M. Esslinger
Pages 555-559
Le Roi Mehaigné in Welty's "Keela, the Outcast Indian Maiden"
Charles E. May
Pages 559-566
Pages 567-570
Recent Books on Modern Fiction
Pages 571-650