Volume 55 - 2009
Issue 1
Editor: Scott Herring
Special Issue: Regional Modernism
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Regional Modernism: A Reintroduction
Scott Herring
Pages 1-10
Jose Garcia Villa’s Collection of “Others”: Irreconcilabilities of a Queer Transpacific Modernism
Denise Cruz
Pages 11-41
Nationalist Ideologies and New Deal Regionalism in The Day of the Locust
Geneva M. Gano
Pages 42-67
Eudora Welty Goes to the Movies: Modernism, Regionalism, Global Media
David McWhirter
Pages 68-91
Anthropologists, Indians, and New Critics: Culture and/as Poetic Form in Regional Modernism
Eric Aronoff
Pages 92-118
Katherine Mansfield and the Fragility of Pākehā Boredom
Saikat Majumdar
Pages 119-41
Toward a Regional Cosmopolitanism: The Case of Mulk Raj Anand
Jessica Berman
Pages 142-62
These Desert Places: Tourism, The American West, and The Afterlife of Regionalism in Julie Otsuka’s When the Emperor Was Divine
Stephen Hong Sohn
Pages 163-88
Afterword: Regional Modernism and Transnational Regionalism
Marjorie Pryse
Pages 189-92
Pages 193-94
Issue 2
Editor: John N. Duvall
Associate Editor: Robert P. Marzec
General Issue
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Margaret Church Award
Page 197
Radical Noir: Negativity, Misogyny, and The Critique of Privatization in Dorothy Hughes’s In A Lonely Place
Christopher Breu
Pages 199-215
Americanist Literary Realism: Howells, Historicism, and American Exceptionalism
Sophia Forster
Pages 216-41
“His Father’s Dirty Digging”: Recuperating the Masculine in D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers
Ronald Granofsky
Pages 242-64
Damning Fundamentalism: Sinclair Lewis and the Trials of Fiction
Everett Hamner
Pages 265-92
Ordinary Disappointments: Femininity, Domesticity, and Nation in British Middlebrow Fiction, 1920-1944
Hilary Hinds
Pages 293-320
From Visibility to Visuality: Patrica Grace’s Baby No-Eyes and the Cultural Politics of Decolonization
Chris Prentice
Pages 321-48
Don DeLillo’s Great Jones Street and the Science of Mind
Stephen J. Burn
Pages 349-68
Book Reviews
Pages 369-413
Pages 414-16
Issue 3
Editor: Robert P. Marzec
Special Issue: Modern Fiction and the Ecological: the Futures of Ecocriticism
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Introduction: Speaking Before the Enviromnent: Modern Fiction and the Ecological
Robert P. Marzec
Pages 419-42
Neoliberalism, Slow Violence, and the Environmental Picaresque
Rob Nixon
Pages 443-67
Radiation Ecologies and the Wars of Light
Elizabeth DeLoughrey
Pages 468-95
The Metaphysics of Ecology in Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping
George B. Handley
Pages 496-521
The Backaters Sphere: Ecological Collectivity, Cosmopolitanism, and Arundhati Roy
Aarthi Vadde
Pages 522-44
Ecology Beyond Ecology: Life After the Accident in Octavia Butler'sXenogenesis Trilogy
Rachel Greenwald Smith
Pages 545-65
From Black Marxism to Industrial Ecosystem: Racial and Ecological Crisis in William Attaway's Blood on the Forge
John Claborn
Pages 566-95
"The Chocolate Eater": Food Traffic and Environmental Justice in Toni Morrison's Tar Baby
Allison Carruth
Pages 595-619
"A Choice of Nightmares": The Ecology of Heart of Darkness
Jeffery Mathes McCarthy
Pages 620-48
Review Essay: Toward an Environmental Phenomenology of Diaspora
George B. Handley
Pages 649-57
Pages 658-59
Issue 4
Editor: John N. Duvall
Associate Editor: Robert P. Marzec
General Issue
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Getting Impersonal: Mina Loy's Body Politics from "Feminist Manifesto" to Insel
Christina Walter
Pages 663-92
The Politics of Gothic in Conrad's Under Western Eyes
Daniel Darvay
Pages 693-715
The Voice of the Prophet": From Astrological Quackery to Sexological Authority in Djuna Barnes's Ladies Almanack
Julie Taylor
Pages 716-38
Extremities of the Body: The Anoptic Corporeality of As I Lay Dying
Erin E. Edwards
Pages 739-64
A Duplicated Life: On Virtuality in John Banville's Mefisto
Ruben Borg
Pages 765-84
Ishiguro's Inhuman Aesthetics
Shameem Black
Pages 785-807
"A story we could live with": Narrative Voice, the Reader, and Jeffrey Eugenides's The Virgin Suicides
Debra Shostak
Pages 808-32
Review Essay: Improvising the Oikos
William V. Spanos
Pages 833-39
Book Reviews
Pages 840-85
Page 886