Volume 52 - 2006
Issue 1
Editor: John N. Duvall
Associate Editor: Nancy J. Peterson
General Issue
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
"Do We of Necessity Become Puppets in a Story?" or Narrating the World: On Speech, Silence, and Discourse in J. M. Coetzee's Foe
Lewis MacLeod
Pages 1-18
The Scopic Drive and Visual Projection in Heart of Darkness
Kimberly J. Devlin
Pages 19-41
"To have the reader work with the author": The Circulation of Knowledge in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and Toni Morrison's Jazz
Jane Lilienfeld
Pages 42-65
Catherian Friendship; or, How Not to Do the History of Homosexuality
Scott Herring
Pages 66-91
Toward a Pitiless Fiction: Abstraction, Comedy, and Modernist Anti-Humanism
Ella Zohar Ophir
Pages 92-120
Naming the Bones: Bodies of Knowledge in Contemporary Fiction
Bev Hogue
Pages 121-142
Time of Death: The End of the 1960s and the Problem of Feminist Futurity in The Women's Room and Vida
Jane Elliott
Pages 143-168
Review Essay: Saint Oprah
Jeffrey Louis Decker
Pages 169-178
Review Essay: "Git Way Inside Us, Keep Us Strong": Toni Morrison and the Art of Critical Production
Sharon Jessee
Pages 179-186
Review Essay: Reconsidering Elizabeth Bowen
Susan Osborn
Pages 187-197
Book Reviews
Pages 198-256
Pages 257-258
Issue 2
Editors: John N. Duvall and Nancy J. Peterson
Special Issue: Toni Morrison
Introduction: On Incendiary Art, the Moral Imagination, and Toni Morrison
Nancy J. Peterson
Pages 261-269
Pure Black: Class, Color, and Intraracial Politics in Toni Morrison'sParadise
Candace M. Jenkins
Pages 270-296
Loose Memory in Toni Morrison's Paradise and Zoë Wicomb'sDavid's Story
Stéphane Robolin
Pages 297-320
Anti-Exodus: Countermemory, Gender, Race, and Everyday Life in Toni Morrison's Paradise
Carola Hilfrich
Pages 321-349
Beware the Furrow of the Middlebrow: Searching for Paradise onThe Oprah Winfrey Show
Timothy Aubry
Pages 350-373
"A Headless Display": Sula, Soldiers, and Lynching
Chuck Jackson
Pages 374-392
The Gender of Diaspora in Toni Morrison's Tar Baby
Yogita Goyal
Pages 393-414
What We Talk about When We Talk about Beloved
Dean Franco
Pages 415-439
"Something Rogue": Commensurability, Commodification, Crime, and Justice in Toni Morrison's Later Fiction
Megan Sweeney
Pages 440-469
Jazz and the Future Blues: Toni Morrison's Urban Folk Zone
Andrew Scheiber
Pages 470-494
Toni Morrison and "Sis Joe": Beloved's Songs in Black and White
Lenore Kitts
Pages 495-523
Music and the Allegory of Memory in Margaret Garner
Robert Fallon
Pages 524-541
Pages 542-543
Issue 3
Editor: John N. Duvall
Associate Editor: Nancy J. Peterson
General Issue
Editor's Note
John N. Duvall
Pages 545-547
Beloved’s Claim
Christopher Peterson
Pages 548-569
“Curiously Without Body”: The Hidden Language of Zona Gale’sFaint Perfume
Susan Tomlinson
Pages 570-587
Nathaniel West and the Mystery of Feeling
Jonathan Greenberg
Pages 588-612
Public Personae and the Private I: De-Compositional Ontology in Paul Auster’s The New York Trilogy
Scott A. Dimovitz
Pages 613-633
History on Speed: Media and the Politics of Forgetting in Milan Kundera's Slowness
Natasa Kovacevic
Pages 634-655
Dreams of Melanesia: Masculinity and the Exorcism of War in Pat Barker’s The Ghost Road
Jennifer Shaddock
Pages 656-674
Mimicry, Spatial Captation, and Feng Shui in Han Ong’s The Fixer
Hsuan L. Hsu
Pages 675-704
Review Essay: Reckoning Day: Race, Representation, and Redress in Women’s Literature and Film
William B. Covey
Pages 705-715
Book Reviews
Pages 716-763
Pages 764-765
Issue 4
Guest Editors: Hillary Chute and Marianne DeKoven
Special Issue: Graphic Narrative
Introduction: Graphic Narrative
Hillary Chute and Marianne DeKoven
Pages 767-782
Letter to the Jury
Art Spiegelman
Pages 783-786
Archives, Collectors, and the New Media Work of Comics
Jared Gardner
Pages 787-806
Found Objects (Jem Cohen, Ben Katchor, Walter Benjamin)
Nathalie Op de Beeck
Pages 807-831
Paul Auster’s City of Glass: The Graphic Novel
David Coughlan
Pages 832-854
The Narrative Imagination across Media
Richard Walsh
Pages 855-868
Comics Architecture, Multidimensionality, and Time: Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth
Thomas Bredehoft
Pages 869-890
The Shameful Art: McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Comics, and the Politics of Affect
Daniel Worden
Pages 891-917
Black Female Authorship and the African American Graphic Novel: Historical Responsibility in Icon: A Hero's Welcome
Jennifer D. Ryan
Pages 918-947
Comic Visions and Revisions in the Work of Lynda Barry and Marjane Satrapi
Theresa Tensuan
Pages 947-964
Autographics: The Seeing "I" of the Comics
Gillian Whitlock
Pages 965-979
Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers: 9/11 and the Representation of Trauma
Kristiaan Versluys
Pages 980-1003
An Interview with Alison Bechdel
Hillary Chute
Pages 1004-1013
Review Essay: Decoding Comics
Hillary Chute
Pages 1014-1027
Pages 1028-1030