Volume 44 - 1998
Issue 1
Guest Editors: Aparajita Sagar and Marcia Stephenson
Special Issue: Contested Spaces in the Caribbean and the Américas
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Introduction: Contested Spaces in the Caribbean and the Américas
Aparajita Sagar and Marcia Stephenson
Pages 1-9
Colonial Domination and the Subordination of the Indigenous Woman in Bolivia (Trans. Christine Taff with Marcia Stephenson)
María Eugenia Choque Quispe
Pages 10-23
The Economy of Performance: Gómez-Peña's New World Border
Jill S. Juhnheim
Pages 24-35
Spirit Glyphs: Reimagining Art and Artist in the Work of ChicanaTlamantinime
Laura E. Pérez
Pages 36-76
Comparative Diasporas: The Local and the Mobile in Abraham Cahan and Alberto Gerchunoff
Dalia Kandiyoti
Pages 77-122
Translations of Gender, Pain, and Space: Wilson Harris's The Carnival Trilogy
Kerry L. Johnson
Pages 123-143
"I Suck Coarse Salt": Caribbean Women Writers in Canada and the Politics of Transcendence
Meredity Gadsby
Pages 144-163
Gender and Exile: Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy
Kristen Mahlis
Pages 164-182
The Angel of History's Forged Signature: The Ruins of Memory and the Task of Mourning in a Brazilian Post-Dictatorial Novel
Idelber Avelar
Pages 183-214
Infiernos Imaginarios: Puerto Rican Marginality in Abniel Marat'sdios en el Playgirl de noviembre and Eugenio María de Hostos's La Peregrenación de Bayoán
Ramón E. Soto-Crespo
Pages 215-239
Tenderness: A Mediator of Identity and Gender Construction in Politics
Ileana Rodríguez
Pages 240-249
Pages 250-251
Issue 2
Editor: William J. Palmer
Assistant Editor: Nancy J. Peterson
General Issue
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Conradian Alienation and Imperial Intimacy
Sarah Cole
Pages 251-281
John Dos Passos, Anglo-Saxon
Jon Smith
Pages 282-305
Modern Taste and the Body Beautiful in Nathanael West's The Day of the Locust
Susan Edmunds
Pages 306-330
"Unyoung, Unpoor, Unblack": John Updike and the Construction of Middle American Masculinity
Sally Robinson
Pages 331-363
Powerful Differences: Critique and Eros in Jeanette Winterson and Virginia Woolf
Christy L. Burns
Pages 364-392
Book Reviews
Pages 393-503
Pages 504-505
Issue 3
Guest Editor: Margot Norris
Special Issue: Modernisms and Modern Wars
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
Introduction: Modernisms and Modern Wars
Margot Norris
Pages 505-512
"Blown to bits!": Katherine Mansfield's "The Garden-Party" and the Great War
Christine Darrohn
Pages 513-539
The "Still-Born Generation": Decadence and the Great War in H. D.'s Fiction
Matthew Kibble
Pages 540-567
"Even cake gets to have another meaning": History, Narrative, and "Daily Living" in Gertrude Stein's World War II Writings
Phoebe Stein Davis
Pages 568-607
Gertrude Stein's "Lifting Belly" and the Great War
David M. Owens
Pages 608-618
"So, I, who had never had a war . . .": William Faulkner, War, and the Modern Imagination
Donald M. Kartiganer
Pages 619-648
Trauma and Recovery in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
Karen DeMeester
Pages 649-673
Open to Suggestion: Hypnosis and History in Pat Barker'sRegeneration
Anne Whitehead
Pages 674-694
"Excremental Assault" in Tim O'Brien: Trauma and Recovery in Vietnam War Literature
David R. Jarraway
Pages 695-714
"Infinities of Absolution": Reason, Rumor, and Duty in Joseph Conrad's "The Tale"
Celia M. Kingsbury
Pages 715-729
Modernism and Vietnam: Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now
Margot Norris
Pages 730-766
"Do you remember to-morrow?": Modernism and its Second War in Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano
Damon Marcel DeCoste
Pages 767-791
"Camp follower of catastrophe": Martha Gellhorn's World War II Challenge to the Modernist War
Phyllis Lassner
Pages 792-812
(Review Essay) "Adversary Proceedings": Recent Books on War and Modernism
Andrew J. Kunka
Pages 813-833
Pages 834-835
Issue 4
Editor: William J. Palmer
Assistant Editor: Nancy J. Peterson
General Issue
(Note: This entire volume is available online through Project Muse)
The Cost of Feeling: Emotional Injury in Henry James's The Golden Bowl
Jennifer Travis
Pages 837-864
Henry Green's War: "The Lull" and the Postwar Demise of Green's Modernist Aesthetic
David Deeming
Pages 865-887
Forms of Chicana Feminist Resistance: Hybrid Spirituality in Ana Castillo's So Far from God
Theresa Delgadillo
Pages 888-916
"Let Me Tell You": About Desire and Narrativity in Swift'sWaterland
Robert K. Irish
Pages 917-934
Exhausting Heteronarrative: The American Woman in the Chinese Hat
Grant Stirling
Pages 935-958
Narrative Reversals and the Thermodynamics of History in Martin Amis's Time's Arrow
Richard Menke
Pages 959-980
Book Reviews
Pages 981-1079
Pages 1080-1081