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2023 Publications
Allert, Beate. “Art and Aesthetics in Alexander von Humboldt: The Subterranean Tree and Other Images ”(2023).
Allert, Beate. “From the Crystal to Fluid: Goethe’s Morphology and Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre ” (2023).
Allert, Beate. “Images for Memories: From Ekphrasis to an Excess of Memory in German Romantic Literature ” (2023).
Bassoe, Pedro. “Transnational Narratives and Travel Writing: Yoshimoto Banana, Takahashi Takako, and Yi Yang-ji " (2023).
Cong, Yan, Emmanuele Chersoni, Yu Yin Hsu, and Alessandro Lenci.“Are Language Models Sensitive to Semantic Attraction? A Study on Surprisal ” (2023).
Cong, Yan, Emmanuele Chersoni, Yu Yin Hsu, and Phillipe Blache. “Investigating the Effect of Discourse Connectives on Transformer Surprisal: Language Models Understand Connectives, Even So They Are Surprised ” (2023).
Cuza, Alejandro & Laura Solano-Escobar. “Protracted development in child heritage Spanish. Evidence from inalienable possession ” (2023).
Czerwionka, Lori, Bruno Staszkiewicz, & Farzin Shamloo. “Contextual variables as predictors of verb form: An analysis of gender and stance in Peninsular Spanish requests ” (2023).
Dixon, Paul. “The Nineteenth-century Brazilian Novel and the Transcendence of Machado de Assis ” (2023).
Dixon, Paul. “A questão figura-fundo em alguns contos de Machado de Assis ” (2023).
Fukada, Atsushi, Mayu Miyamoto, & Ayaka Matsuo. “ICT-Enhanced Language Learning: Focusing on the Relationship with the Curriculum” (2023).
Gómez Alzate, Edier, Alejandro Cuza, José Camacho, & Dafne Zanelli. "The acquisition of adverb placement in child heritage speakers of Spanish " (2023).
Idrissi Alami, Ahmed. “Slave Literacy, Creolization, and Muslim Formation in Colonial Jamaica ” (2023).
Jung, Ye-Jee, & Olga Dmitrieva. “Acoustic correlates of English clear speech produced by native Korean speakers ” (2023).
Jung, Ye-Jee, & Olga Dmitrieva. “Non-native talkers and listeners and the perceptual benefits of clear speech ” (2023).
Kim, Yonsoo. “La enfermedad corporal como posesión discursiva femenina en la España premoderna ”(2023).
Kinnally, Cara. “Cruelty and Violence in the Borderlands: Alejandro González Iñárritu’s The Revenan t ” (2023).
Kinnally, Cara. Op-Ed on Cinco de Mayo (Washington Post) (2023).
Leverage, Paula. “Narratives of Space and Time in Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis ” (2023).
Lyanda-Geller, Olga. “Rethinking the Philosophers' Steamboat: The Tragedy of Sergei Bulgakov ” (2023).
Miyamoto, Mayu, Jeff Peterson, & Atsushi Fukada. “Implementation and Evaluation of a Curricular Framework for Online Language Courses ” (2023).
Offerman, Heather M., & Olson, Daniel J. “Speech visualization for pronunciation instruction: Exploring instructor support in L2 learner attitudes towards visual feedback ” (2023).
Olson, Daniel J. “A systematic review of proficiency assessment methods in bilingualism research ” (2023).
Olson, Daniel J. “Linking linguistic theory and second language pedagogy: An example from second language pronunciation and phonetics ” (2023).
Olson, Daniel J. “Measuring language dominance: An examination of the reliability of the Bilingual Language Profile ” (2023).
Pérez-Leroux, Ana Teresa, Yadira Álvarez López, Miguel Barreto, Alejandro Cuza, Irina Marinescu, Jierui Yang, & Laura Colantoni. "The phonetic and morphosyntactic dimensions of grammatical gender in Spanish heritage language acquisition " (2023).
Shin, Naomi, Alejandro Cuza, & Liliana Sánchez. “Structured variation, language experience, and crosslinguistic influence shape child heritage speakers’ Spanish direct objects ” (2023).
Solano-Escobar, Laura & Alejandro Cuza. "Infinitive vs. Gerund Use and Interpretation in Heritage Spanish " (2023).
Stephenson, Marcia. "Hybridity and the Domestication of Wildness: Creating the Paco-vicuña in Early Nineteenth-Century Peru " (2023).
Tang, Sunny, Yan Cong, et al. “Characterizing and Detecting Delirium with Clinical and Computational measures of Speech and Language Disturbance ” (2023).
William, Jennifer Marston. “Creative Facticity in Peter Weiss's The Investigation” (2023).
Zhou, Alex & Daniel J. Olson. “Quantitative methods for analyzing second language lexical tone production (2023).
Zhou, Alex & Daniel J. Olson. “The use of visual feedback to train L2 lexical tone: Evidence from Mandarin phonetic acquisition ” (2023).
2022 Publications
Allert, Beate. “From the Fluid to the Crystal: Goethe’s Metamorphosis and Fichte’s Science of Knowing ” (2022).
Bassoe, Pedro Thiago Ramos. “Life Through the Lens: Ozaki Kōyō and the Birth of the Photographic Imagination in Japanese Literature ” (2022).
Bassoe, Pedro Thiago Ramos. “Transnational Narratives and Travel Writing: Yoshimoto Banana, Takahashi Takako, and Yi Yangji ” (2022).
Becker, Shannon, & Jessica Sturm. “Assessing variability in pronunciation development: case studies from a complexity perspective ” (2022).
Coda, Elena. “From la Favilla to Claudio Magris: Trieste’s European Identity ” (2022).
Coda, Elena. “Trieste’s ‘Adventurers of Culture and Life ’” (2022).
Coda, Elena, Lori Czerwionka, Jennifer Marston William, & Tatjana Babic Williams. “ Enrollment Challenges for University Language Classes in the Twenty-First Century: Strategies, Case Studies, and Considerations for Adapting to Changing Circumstances ” (2022).
Cuza, Alejandro, & Liliana Sánchez. “The Acquisition of Grammatical Gender in Child and Adult Heritage Speakers of Spanish ” (2022).
Czerwionka, Lori, Sydney Dickerson, & Rodrigo Aragon Bautista. “Multimodal and co-constructed speech acts: gratitude and other responses to compliments and gifts in Peninsular Spanish ” (2022).
Czerwionka, Lori, & Sydney Dickerson. “Spanish and English compliment responses in discourse: an investigation of cross-cultural and L2 pragmatic norms ” (2022).
Hutchinson, Amy, & Olga Dmitrieva. “Exposure to speech via foreign film and its effects on non-native vowel production and perception ” (2022).
Idrissi Alami, Ahmed. “North African Literature " (2022).
Jiao, Jian & Cuza, Alejandro. "Early exposure and input type in the production of Spanish accusative clitics by Chinese/Spanish bilinguals " (2022).
Joshi, Siddhant S., Kristen A. Davis, Lori Czerwionka, Elisa Camps Troncoso, & Francisco Montalvo. “A Comparison of Two Scenario-Based Assessments of Systems Thinking ” (2022).
Kim, Yonsoo. “Teresa de Cartagena’s Illness and Disability as Embodied Knowledge ” (2022).
Lyanda-Geller, Olga. “Conversations with Socrates: The Image of Socrates in Russian and Soviet Philosophical Literature ” (2022).
Olson, Daniel J. “The Bilingual Code-Switching Profile (BCSP): Assessing the reliability and validity of the BCSP questionnaire ” (2022).
Olson, Daniel J. “Visual feedback and relative vowel duration in L2 pronunciation: The curious case of stressed and unstressed vowels ” (2022).
Pilipchuk, Michael, & Olga Lyanda-Geller. “‘Outside the Earth’: Translating and Exploring with Tsiolkovsky ” (2022).
Sánchez-Llama, Iñigo. “Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) y la experiencia de lo urbano: un diálogo con Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) ” (2022).
Sánchez-Llama, Iñigo. “La forja de una reputación literaria distinguida durante el reinado de Isabel II (1843- 1868): Fernán Caballero (1796-1877) y el ”canon isabelino ” (2022).
Sánchez-Llama, Íñigo. “The Gastronony and Urbanity in the Journalistic Articles of Mariano Jose de Larra (1808-1837): Analysis of a Modern Perspective ” (2022).
Sánchez-Llama, Iñigo. “Los visogodos y la identidad nacional en las letras españolas modernas: análisis de Flavio Recaredo (1851), de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda (1814-1873) ” (2022).
Seo, Yuhyeon, Olga Dmitrieva & Alejandro Cuza. “Crosslinguistic Influence in the Discrimination of Korean stop contrast by heritage speakers and second language learners ” (2022).
Shin, Naomi, Alejandro Cuza, & Liliana Sánchez. "Structured variation, language experience, and crosslinguistic influence shape child heritage speakers’ Spanish direct objects " (2022).
Stinchcomb, Dawn. “Howard University’s Latínx Legacy: the Contributions of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities to Afro Romance Studies in the US ” (2022).
Stratton, James M., & John D. Sundquist. “A Variationist Sociolinguistic Analysis of Intensifiers in Oslo Norwegian ” (2022).
Sundquist, John D. “An Exemplar-based Approach to Composite Predicates in the History of American English ” (2022).
Wang, Hongjian. “ From Court Fools to Stage Puppets: Country Bumpkins in the Skits on CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala (1983–2022) ” (2022).
Wei, Mariko, Mayu Miyamoto, Namiko Uchida, Atsushi Fukada, & Jessica Sturm. “ Performance-based test: A technology-based achievement assessment in introductory Japanese courses ” (2022).
William, Jennifer Marston. “Embedded Mental States, Literariness, and the Mutual Cross-Disciplinary Benefits of Cognitive-Literary Analysis ” (2022).
Xiaowei Zhang, Wufei Ma, Gunder Varinlioglu, Nick Rauh, Liu He, & Daniel Aliaga. “Guided Pluralistic Building Contour Completion ” (2022).
Zhou, Alexis, Olga Dmitrieva, & Daniel J. Olson. “The effect of allophonic variability on L2 contrast perception: Evidence from perception of English vowels ” (2022).
2021 Publications
Cuza, Alejandro, Nancy Reyes, & Eduardo Lustres. "Copulas ser and estar production in child and adult heritage speakers of Spanish " (2021).
Davis, Kirsten A., Siddhant S. Joshi, Lori Czerwionka, Francisco Montalvo, Gabriel O. Rios-Rojas, Joseph Tort, Jennifer Marston William, & Eric Nauman. “Integrating the Humanities with Engineering through a Global Case Study Course ” (2021).
Dixon, Paul. “‘Água forte’ de Manuel Bandeira: uma leitura da leitura ” (2021).
García, Aída, Alejandro Cuza, & Eduardo Lustres. "The production and comprehension of Spanish se in L2 and Heritage Spanish " (2021).
Hutchinson, Amy, & Olga Dmitrieva. “Individual variation in acquisition of voicing contrasts by classroom learners of French ” (2021).
López-Otero, Julio César, Alejandro Cuza, & Jian Jiao. “Object clitic use and intuition in the Spanish of heritage speakers from Brazil. Second Language Research ” (2021).
Olson, Daniel J. “Phonetic feature size in second language acquisition: Examining VOT in voiceless and voiced stops ” (2021).
Sánchez-Llama, Íñigo. “Epidemias, psicosis colectivas y conflicto social: análisis de Un faccioso más y algunos frailes menos (1879), de Benito Pérez Galdó s ” (2021).
Sundquist, John D. “The Syntax of Mainland Scandinavian by Jan Terje Faarlund ” (2021).
Veldwachter, Nadège. “Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and 'Failed' Nations: Haiti and the Jewish Refugees in the 1930s” (2021).
2020 Publications