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2024 Publications
- Babic Williams, Tatjana. "Growing intercultural speakers in novice Italian: A virtual versus face-to-face comparison" (2024).
- Cong, Yan. "Demystifying large language models in second language development research" (2024).
- Dickerson, Sydney, & Czerwionka, Lori. "L2 discourse marker use in interaction: The case of pues in Spanish" (2024).
- Cuza, Alejandro. "Phrasal verb production in child heritage speakers of English residing in Mexico: Chronological age, experience and protracted development"(2024).
- Dore, Christopher D. and Nicholaus K. Rauh. "Employing Remote Sensing and Multispectral Satellite Data to Measure the Extent of Grapevine and Olive Vegetation: A Case Study in the Landscape of Western Rough Cilicia, Turkey" (2024).
- Gabrielova, Amina. "Miltonic Motifs in Russian Poetry and Art" (2024).
- Idrissi Alami, Ahmed. "Muhammad Kabā Saghanughu’s 1838 Arabic Address in Jamaica" (2024).
- Idrissi Alami, Ahmed. "The Transatlantic Turn in Laila Lalami's Writing" (2024).
- Joshi, Siddhant Sanjay, Kirsten A. Davis & Lori Czerwionka. "The effects of a humanities-based engineering course on engineering students' sociotechnical thinking" (2024).
- Kim, Yonsoo. “La teoría de la interseccionalidad en las “santas vivas” castellanas de los siglos xv y xvi: enfermedad, género y espiritualidad femenina,” Revista de Poética Medieval 38 (2024)
- Leverage, Paula. Op-Ed on Ridley Scott's Napoleon Film (2024).
- No, Song. "El Descuento lascasiano con el discurso hegemónico en Del único modo" (2024)
- No, Song. “The Chiasmatic Links Between the Cave of Montesinos and the Clavileño Episodes in Don Quixote" Journal of East-West Humanities 24 (2024).
- Olson, Daniel J. Op-Ed on Multilingualism in the United States, Past and Present (2024).
- Rivas, Víctor R. and Song No. “Pequeñas criaturas, grandes lecciones: el papel ecológico de los insectos en la literatura infantil y juvenil latinoamericana,” Revue Amerika: Mémoires, identités, territoires 29 (2024).
- Seo, Yuhyeon & Cuza, Alejandro. "On the production of bare nouns and case marking in Korean heritage speakers in contact with English" (2024).
- Solano-Escobar, Laura & Alejandro Cuza. "The acquisition of the inalienable possession in L2 and Heritage Spanish" (2024).
- Staszkiewicz, Bruno, Czerwionka, Lori and Concu, Valentina. "The effect of extralinguistics variables on verb selection in Italian requests" (2024).
- Stinchcomb, Dawn F. “Teaching Afro-Hispanic Literature in the Undergraduate Introductory Literary Course: A Pedagogy for Antiracist Teaching” (2024)
- Sundquist, John. "Meter, Syntax, and the Use of Punctuation in the Leipzig Fragment of the Hêliand" (2024).