Chantel Greene

Major: Visual Communication Design
Graphic Design Intern, Dearing Group
1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity?
I was made aware of this internship opportunity through a professor in the Visual Communication Design department. My professor knew that I was interested in finding an internship in the Graphic Design field and thought that the position would be a great fit, encouraging me to apply.
2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals? How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?
My internship has helped me build technical design skills, like using design software and refining my eye for detail. The internship also gave me insight into what it is like in an advertising firm. My Liberal Arts background has been useful for understanding client needs and presenting ideas clearly. This internship allowed me to see what it is like working in industry, clarifying my career goals.
3.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?
One piece of advice I’d give to someone looking for an internship is to network and connect with professors and professionals in your field. Opportunities often come from people you know, so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for guidance or recommendations.
4.) What specific responsibilities have you undertaken during your internship?
During my internship I took on a variety of responsibilities, from designing for social media content, designing layouts for different publications, and assisted in brainstorming ideas for future projects.
5.) In what ways has the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University supported your internship journey? How has your participating in our job-ready program specifically aided your professional development?
The College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University has greatly supported my internship journey. Guidance from professors, career advisors, and the job-ready program helped me confidently navigate the application process, as well as the internship as a whole.
6.) Could you highlight a standout aspect of your experience in this program that you find particularly noteworthy?
One standout aspect of my experience in this program has been the opportunity to collaborate and learn from experienced designers and receive valuable feedback on my design work. This experience and program has been incredibly eye-opening, helping me refine my skills and think more critically about design choices.