Kevin Huang

Major: Communication (Concentration - Public Relations and Strategic Communication; Media and Mass Communication); Minor: Human Resource Management; Certificate: Collaborative Leadership
UX Content Design Intern, Chegg
1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity?
I found out about my internship opportunity through the College of Liberal Arts Career
Services, specifically through SCLA 300. I took this course Spring 2024 and was introduced
to several Chegg intern positions from Kristy Foster, Sarah McCord and Abby Croft!
2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals? How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?
As a PR major, one recurring topic that comes to mind in the with constant new
advancements in technology is artificial intelligence (AI). During my time at Chegg, as a
UX Content Design intern, I was able to learn more about Chat GPT and AI in different
contexts and USA purposes. I was able to implement my background of written, verbal
and design communication into my personal and professional projects. As a Liberal Arts
major, I appreciated that my team was able to give someone like me a chance to work
and learn from them.
3.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?
One piece of advice I would give is look and apply for internship experiences and
positions OUTSIDE of your interests and career goals. For example, I want to work in
entertainment media and PR, but I took a chance in applying to the UX Content Design
intern opportunity.
4.) What specific responsibilities have you undertaken during your internship?
As the UX Content Design intern for Chegg, I worked on creating and amplifying chat
responses to student questions and researched across different course topics with large
language models (LLM) prompts to better understand the use of AI in Chegg’s brand,
tone and voice guidelines. I was also able to pitch new, fresh ideas from the student
perspectives to the entire company, which was such a unique experience!
5.) In what ways has the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University supported your internship journey? How has your participating in our job-ready program specifically aided your professional development?
For starters, College of Liberal Arts was able to introduce this opportunity to me.
Throughout my application process, they helped me look over my resume and prep for
my interviews. With this Job-Ready program, I was able to not only show other students
what I do on a daily basis with chances of fun outside activities like going to a Giants
baseball game, but I was offered additional financial and mental support by CLA’s Career
Center. I’m truly thankful for CLA’s support in my internship journey before, during and
after Chegg! Long story short, there’s not a single thing I would change of myself as a
CLA student, specifically a Communication major student. I’m always proud to share
more about my accomplishments, and I ALWAYS feel comfortable in asking CLA for
professional advice.
6.) Could you highlight a standout aspect of your experience in this program that you find particularly noteworthy?
There were many memorable moments of my experience throughout my time at Chegg.
The day that I did my Instagram takeover for College of Liberal Arts, I loved how I was
able to show my normal work life AND perks and unique opportunities Chegg offered to
their student interns. I had displayed Chegg’s internal environment, included other
student interns and my team members and showed our fun trip to a San Francisco
Giants baseball game! I really appreciated Chegg’s support in our growth in the
professional workspace and their ability to make our experience as fun and wellrounded
as possible. To this day, I still have video facetimes with other interns and hang
out with the Purdue