Sarah Busch

Major: Industrial Design
Golf Club Design Intern, Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity?
I found the listing on LinkedIn in March of 2023. This was my second summer with Wilson, and they reached out to me this past fall about returning for a second summer and I accepted the position.
2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals? How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?
This internship has confirmed my desire to go into the sporting goods industry in design. There are so many ways I can take my career, but sporting goods design has become the division I am most passionate about. While at Purdue, I have the chance to work with many different companies through sponsored projects in my classes. Seeing numerous companies in a variety of industries has also helped me come to this conclusion.
3.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?
Apply to anything that seems remotely interesting! Even if you don't think you're totally qualified, apply anyway. I did not think I was qualified enough for this position when I first read the description, but it proved to be perfect for me!
4.) What specific responsibilities have you undertaken during your internship?
I worked on designing a variety of projects to help the golf design team. There are multiple golf clubs, bags, and headcovers that I had a chance to work on that will be on shelves available for purchase in less than a year!
5.) In what ways has the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University supported your internship journey? How has your participating in our job-ready program specifically aided your professional development?
The College of Liberal Arts has provided an environment that allowed me to find an internship that I loved, and the job-ready program helped me so much with my housing this summer. I am from Indiana and had to relocate to Chicago for this summer. Having job-ready help me with my housing and supporting my experience was wonderful.
6.) Could you highlight a standout aspect of your experience in this program that you find particularly noteworthy?
I enjoyed doing the Instagram takeover, as it connected me with some incoming CLA students and allowed them to have a glance into where a degree in CLA could take them!