Rashmi Dahiya

Major: Digital Criminology ; Minor: Psychology; Certificate: Applications of Data Science
Digital Security Intern, Crowe, LLP
1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity?
I first heard out about this internship through the PITP Career Fair, where I talked to Crowe recruiters and received an interview recommendation. I later found out that one of my friends had also worked in the same position in the same office the previous summer, so I further reached out to him to learn more about the role and the kind of work it involves.
2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals? How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?
My internship at Crowe LLP has been a transformative experience. It provided me with hands-on experience in cybersecurity risk assessments, internal penetration testing, and IT general controls, allowing me to apply and expand upon the theoretical knowledge I gained in my coursework. This experience has solidified my interest in cybersecurity consulting, and the client-facing nature of my role has sharpened my communication and problem-solving skills. I now have a clearer understanding of the career path I want to pursue and am more confident in my ability to make a meaningful impact in this field.
Being a Liberal Arts student at Purdue allowed me to approach my internship with a broader perspective. The critical thinking and analytical skills I honed through my Liberal Arts education were invaluable when assessing cybersecurity risks and developing actionable solutions for clients. The emphasis on effective communication in my Liberal Arts courses was especially beneficial in translating complex technical findings into clear, understandable reports for clients.
3.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?
Be proactive in seeking opportunities and don’t hesitate to leverage your network. Reaching out to professionals and attending career fairs can open doors you might not expect. For example, I was under the impression that Crowe did not hire international students, but I still talked to the recruiters at the career fair and not only ended up getting the internship but also a return offer to work with Crowe full-time after graduation!
Additionally, don’t underestimate the value of soft skills; being able to communicate effectively and work well in a team is just as important as technical expertise.4.) What specific responsibilities have you undertaken during your internship?
During my internship, I engaged in various tasks, including conducting cybersecurity risk assessments and internal audits, performing internal penetration testing, and ensuring compliance with IT general controls. I also participated in developing client-specific cybersecurity strategies and contributed to thought leadership by researching and writing about the privacy vs security dilemma presented by the crypto wars in the context of end-to-end encryption (https://www.crowe.com/cybersecurity-watch/crypto-wars-why-weakening-encryption-misses-the-mark).
5.) In what ways has the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University supported your internship journey? How has your participating in our job-ready program specifically aided your professional development?
The College of Liberal Arts has supported my journey significantly through the Job-Ready Program. The Job-Ready Summer Internship Award provided me with financial support, making it feasible for me to accept this internship, which might have otherwise been challenging due to the high cost of living in Chicago. This support allowed me to focus entirely on my internship experience and maximize the learning and professional development opportunities it offered. This program enabled me to bridge the gap between academic learning and professional application, and being a CLA student gave me a distinct advantage in approaching my work with a holistic view, integrating technical skills with critical thinking and effective communication.
6.) Could you highlight a standout aspect of your experience in this program that you find particularly noteworthy?
One of the most memorable aspects of my internship at Crowe LLP was the variety of unique experiences that pushed me beyond the classroom and into real-world challenges. One such example would be when I had the opportunity to work on a social engineering engagement where we conducted vishing attacks, posing as the IT department to test the security awareness of our client’s employees. This was both exciting and nerve-wracking, as it felt like we were playing an ethical version of a prank, but with significant implications for the client’s cybersecurity posture.