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Talia Sinclair

Major: Communication (Concentration - Business Communication; Public Relations & Strategic Communication); Minors: Political Science and Sociology 

Lifestyle Intern, PRC PR Consulting 

1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity? 

 After spending some time researching PR agencies I thought would be a good fit for
my planned career trajectory, I cold-emailed those agencies to set up times for an
interview. After the interview process, I felt that PR Consulting would be able to give
me the most and the best experience.

2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals?  How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?  

 This internship has done so much to introduce me to the world of luxury PR. The
skills I have learned this summer are ones that I will carry with me for the rest of my
career. This internship has also solidified the fact that I would like to work in the PR
field following my graduation/

3.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?  

My biggest piece of advice with applying for internships is to diversify the ways that
you apply to them. By only applying to internships through LinkedIn, there will be so
many companies that you may miss out on. Sometimes cold-calling or cold-emailing
is best because the people who are looking to fill the internship feel that you are more
passionate and personal.

4.) What specific responsibilities have you undertaken during your internship?

In this internship, I have conducted extensive client research to identify target
demographics and market trends. Managed media clipping and media sweeps to
monitor brand coverage and industry developments. Prepared daily industry reports
for the team. Conducted influencer research and executed outreach campaigns to
enhance brand visibility. Drafted press releases and pitches, ensuring accurate
messaging and brand consistency. Coordinated logistics and assisted in the execution
of events for high-profile clients.

5.) In what ways has the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University supported your internship journey? How has your participating in our job-ready program specifically aided your professional development? 

This internship would not have been possible without the help of CLA at Purdue.
Since the internship is unpaid but for credit, the advisors were instrumental in
determining the optimal credit amount for me and identifying scholarships to alleviate
the financial burden. This internship has opened so many doors for me and I am so
grateful to have been able to experience this. Being a student in the Brian Lamb
School of Communication in CLA has single handedly prepared me the most for this

6.) Could you highlight a standout aspect of your experience in this program that you find particularly noteworthy?