Organizational Communication

Organizational Communication

Organizational communication examines the relationships between communication and organizing through the study of discourse, meanings, symbols, and information flow. Situated in a preeminent engineering, science, and land grant institution of the Big 10, Purdue University Brian Lamb School of Communication’s Organizational Communication program aligns with the pragmatic historical foundations of the Redding Tradition as well as cutting-edge research on global, virtual, as well as cutting-edge research on global, virtual, or online organizations and the influence of national and international policy.

Why Purdue for Organizational Communication?

  • We will work with you to design a personally-tailored plan of study that best suits your needs and interests and draws on Purdue’s strengths.
  • We offer a wide variety of stimulating courses across various areas of study.
  • Our award-winning and internationally-recognized faculty and graduate students work on collaborative projects that establish new research agendas for our field.
  • As a student and an educator, you will build a program of research and a teaching portfolio that includes courses in undergraduate small group, organizational, and global workplace communication.
  • You will earn a degree from one of the top-ranked communication programs in the nation.(Our Organizational Communication graduate program was ranked among the Top 10 in the National Communication Association’s most recent reputational study. Our program is currently ranked in a top-five in the area of Narrative by ComVista.)


Program Faculty and Areas of Interest

  • Sabine Brunswicker: Open digital innovation, open source software communities, civic crowdsourcing, open data app competitions
  • Robin Clair: Narrative, rhetoric, diversity, nonprofits, critical-postmodern studies, ethnography, gender, social justice (research and creative endeavors)
  • Stacey ConnaughtonIdentification, leadership, distributed organizing forms, peacebuilding policy
  • Jeremy Foote: Online organizations, cooperation, collective behavior, computational social science, data communication
  • Seungyoon LeeOrganizational and social networks, organizational ecology, disaster resilience
  • Torsten Reimer: Decision making, groups and teams, consumer behavior, risk communication
  • Affiliated Faculty and Interests: Josh Boyd (Organizational rhetoric, legitimacy, trust, naming), Sorin Adam Matei (Social media, virtual marketing, online collaboration, communication technologies), Howard Sypher (Communication and new technologies, international organizations)

Selected Graduate Course Offerings

Organizational Communication Theory; Small Group & Team Processes; Decision Making; Leadership; Consulting; Organizational Identity & Identification; Social Network Analysis; Computational Research Methods; Narrative Theory; Organizational Ethnography; Data-Storytelling; Data Communication

Interdisciplinary Connections

Burton D. Morgan Center for EntrepreneurshipCenter for Education and Research in Information Assurance & SecurityCenter on Aging and the LifecourseDiscovery Learning Research CenterKrannert School of ManagementPsychological SciencesWomen’s, Gender, and Sexuality StudiesPurdue Policy Research InstitutePurdue Peace ProjectCivil EngineeringPurdue Polytechnic InstituteSchool of Interdisciplinary Studies