Purdue Presentation Center: FAQs
How do I schedule an appointment?
All appointments are scheduled via BoilerConnect. Click here to visit our help page for instructions on making an appointment.
Must I schedule an appointment to meet with a tutor?
While we encourage you to make an appointment, we do offer walk-in hours. See our current semester hours here. If you have questions, call 765-496-2771 or email tlatoz@purdue.edu.
When should I schedule an appointment?
Appointments must be scheduled at least 1 hour in advance. Give yourself time to revise your presentation after meeting with a tutor. If you meet with a tutor the day (or even the day before) an assignment is due, you may not have sufficient time to devote to necessary revisions. Since the Purdue Presentation Center can be busy, you may not be able to schedule an appointment at a convenient time. The sooner that you schedule an appointment, the more likely it is that you can find days and times that fit your schedule.
How can I make the most of my appointment?
Bring any assignment sheets, textbooks, notes, and relevant materials to the session. Often, you will have an impression of an assignment which may not align with your course’s syllabus or assignment sheet. During a session, the tutor may need to refer to auxiliary materials and textbooks for further information. Make sure to take notes during your consultation and have specific questions ready for the tutor.
Can the Purdue Presentation Center help with my grammar and punctuation?
No, but tutors will point out if grammar and punctuation are a concern in your outline or framework. Tutors can direct you to university services and websites that might help you improve your grammar.
Can I bring my outline for the Purdue Presentation Center to edit?
The Purdue Presentation Center is designed to help you with specific areas you are struggling with, not review entire outlines or fix your mistakes. For example, you might be struggling with your thesis. Our tutors would be happy to walk you through the process of writing a good thesis. They can also review your current thesis with you and walk you through a process for improving it. Because appointments are short, we recommend that you have specific questions ready for the tutor, instead of just requesting that a tutor review your outline as a whole.
Do I have to have a complete document or presentation to bring to the Purdue Presentation Center?
No. The Purdue Presentation Center tutors can help in any stage of the presentation process, from topic selection and constructing an outline through the delivery of your presentation.
Will the Purdue Presentation Center send proof of my visit to my instructor?
Purdue Presentation Center tutors will, upon request, provide an email to you that confirms your attendance at your appointment. You may then submit the email to your instructor in the format they prefer.
Will visiting the Purdue Presentation Center ensure that I get a good grade on an assignment?
No. The more effort you put into an assignment, including using resources like the Purdue Presentation Center, the greater the chances are that your final grade on that assignment will be strong. However, visiting to the Purdue Presentation Center does not guarantee a high grade. Our tutors can only offer suggestions, but it will still be up to you to complete your assignment. Also keep in mind that your instructor may have given you additional instructions in class with which the tutors are not familiar. If you do not take those instructions into account, it could adversely affect a grade.
Other factors, such as plagiarism, could also adversely affect your grade. The tutor with whom you meet will not submit your presentation or related documents to SafeAssign or other plagiarism detector. They can review course policies on plagiarism and suggest ways you can prevent plagiarism, but it is still your responsibility to ensure your assignment is your original work.