Undergraduate Research Funding
The Lamb School Undergraduate Research Funding is a new program of the Lamb School beginning in Spring 2019. With $50,000 available for undergraduate research funding, the Lamb School encourages undergraduate students to present their research outside their classes and supports student activities that might lead to graduate school. Lamb School students can use the funding in the following four ways:
1. Undergraduate Research Conferences: If a student has a paper accepted for presentation at an undergraduate research conference outside of Purdue, the Lamb School will pay the student’s travel expenses plus a $500 stipend. Students are eligible for multiple grants, up to a Purdue career maximum of $3000.
2. Summer Research Hours: The Lamb School will pay the price of up to 3 summer research credit hours for an undergraduate working on a faculty member’s research project (currently, three summer credit hours cost a total of approximately $1050 for residents, $2850 for non-residents, and $3050 for international students). If the student is also taking a class and therefore registers for a full summer course load, the Lamb School will still award the 3-hour amounts to defray the full-time costs.
3. Conference Travel: Students who are interested in graduate school benefit from seeing and understanding more about academic careers. To encourage this kind of exploration, the Lamb School will support up to $1000 in travel to academic conferences for undergraduates interested in pursuing graduate studies. The conferences must be academic rather than professional (e.g., NCA, ICA, CSCA, AEJMC, IPRRC, but NOT PRSA). This conference experience will also allow students to see what the conference looks like if they decide to submit a paper to one in the future. To be eligible, each student must be a junior or senior with a GPA of 3.3 or higher. The student must submit a one-page statement explaining why he or she is interested in graduate school and how the conference in question will help in that pursuit. The student must also agree to report on their experiences to a class or student organization within 30 days of returning from the conference; reimbursement for expenses is contingent on that report being made. Students are eligible for multiple grants, up to a Purdue career total maximum of $1000.
4. Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference & the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research: If a student has a paper or poster accepted for the Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference or the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research, the Lamb School will award a $250 stipend.