Graduation Information
Ph.D. and Master’s Thesis – must be registered for research credits (Ph.D.: COM 69900; Master’s Thesis: COM 69800) in the previous semester and the semester you are graduating in; Master’s Non-Thesis must be registered in at least one credit hour course.
Ph.D., Master’s Thesis, and Master’s Non-Thesis may register as Exam or Degree Only (Ph.D. and Master’s Thesis must register for research credits in the previous semester).
Exam Only – if you have completed all coursework and only have your Final Exam (Defense) or Comprehensive Exam to Complete.
Degree Only – if you have completed all coursework, passed your Final Exam (Defense) and only need to deposit your Thesis/Dissertation or if Master’s Non-Thesis have passed your Comprehensive Exam.
*REMEMBER: Exam Only moves your Final Exam (Defense), Thesis/Dissertation Deposit and completion of Comprehensive Exam deadlines up (see Graduate School’s Graduation Deadlines). Exam/Degree Only is a one-time only registration.
If you are registering for Exam or Degree Only, you should inform the Graduate Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes beginning.
Check out the Registrar’s Academic Calendar to see the last day to register to avoid the $200 late fee.
When you register – let the Graduate Coordinator know that you plan to graduate and would like to be registered for candidacy.
The Graduate School will do an audit of your records approximately three to four weeks before graduation and the Graduate Coordinator will inform you of any problems the Graduate School may find.
Final Exam (Ph.D. & Master’s Thesis Only):
Inform the Graduate Coordinator of the date and time you would like to hold your Final Exam (Defense) by contacting Mary Roe (roem@purdue.edu) three weeks prior to the date you would like to conduct your final defense. The Graduate Coordinator will reserve a room for your defense and email you to confirm the location. During this time you will also need to submit an electronic Graduate School Form 8 “Request for Appointment of Examining Committee”.
Submit Graduate School Electronic Form 8 “Request for Appointment of Examining Committee” (Ph.D. & Master’s Thesis Only):
This form is located through myPurdue in the Graduate School’s Plan of Study Generator. This form must reach the Graduate School at least two weeks before the date of your defense or you will not be allowed to hold your defense. If you have any problems or questions with the Form 8, please contact the Graduate Coordinator. Please see instructions for completion. Form 8 Instructions
Comprehensive Exam and Graduate School Exit Survey (Master’s Non-Thesis Only):
Inform the Graduate Coordinator of the days and times you would like to take your exam by emailing Mary Roe (roem@purdue.edu) at least two weeks prior to the start of your exam. Your committee members should e-mail their questions to the Graduate Coordinator. She will send you an e-mail to confirm the date of your exam. At the completion of your exam, you will need to initiate a Graduate School Form 7 “Report of Master’s Examining Committee” through the Graduate School Database. Graduate School’s online Exit Questionnaire is due by the last day of classes in the session of anticipated graduation. This questionnaire is accessible through myPurdue. Once you have logged into the system, students will need to click the “Academic” tab, then select the “Graduate School Plan of Study” link. After you have logged into the Plan of Study Generator, non-thesis students who are on the candidate roster for the current term will see a link to the Exit Questionnaire.
Thesis/Dissertation Office Forms (Deposit Forms) (Ph.D. & Master’s Thesis Only):
Click here for instructions on how to submit your electronic Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance Form 9. You will want to submit this form the day of your defense.
Deposit Appointment(Ph.D. & Master’s Thesis Only):
You should make your appointment to deposit your thesis/dissertation as soon as possible. Once the deposit appointments fill up the Thesis/Dissertation Office will not take any more appointments and you will have to wait until the next semester to make a deposit appointment and graduate. Go to the Thesis/Dissertation Office website to schedule your deposit appointment (this includes long distance deposits).
Graduate School Form 11 “Report of the Final Examination” (Ph.D. Only)
Your committee will need to sign off on the electronic Graduate School Form 11 after your Final Exam (Defense). The chair or co-chairs of your committee should have received an e-mail from the Graduate School to notify them that the Form 11 is ready for their signature and your committee’s signatures.
Graduate School Form 7 “Report of Master’s Examining Committee”(Master’s Thesis & Non-Thesis Only)
Your committee will need to sign off on the electronic Graduate School Form 7 after your Final Exam (Defense)/Comprehensive Exam. The chair or co-chairs of your committee should have received an e-mail from the Graduate School to notify them that the Form 7 is ready for their signature and your committee’s signatures.