
The Brian Lamb School of Communication uses the Research Participation System to schedule and credit students’ participation in communication research studies. As a researcher, you can set up your studies in the system, schedule the sessions (lifetimes and location) when students may participate in your study, and grant or revoke credit after students complete your study. The Research Participation System provides students with an easy online method for them to sign up for research studies, to keep track of the studies they have completed, and to view how many credits they have earned for each study.

The Research Participation System operates as a recruitment platform for you to find participants for your research. Many studies using the Research Participation System use online platforms for data collection, but recruitment can also be done through this system for studies in physical locations, such as the John O. Greene and Carrie L. Johnston Communication Research Laboratory.

Communication Research Laboratory

Research Participation System Login


The research participation system has been approved as a participant pool under code IRB-2023-491, which may be helpful for you to know as you submit studies for IRB review.